Wire Write For Us

Wire Write For Us

A wire is a flexible metal strand.

Metal is commonly formed into wire by drawing it through a hole in a die or draw plate. Wire gauges are available in various standard sizes, denoted by a gauge number or cross-sectional area.

Wires, often in the form of wire rope, remain used to support mechanical loads. A “wire” can refer to an electrical cable that contains a “solid core” of a single wire or separate strands in stranded or braided forms in electricity and telecommunications signals.

The wire is typically cylindrical in geometry, but it can also remain made in square, hexagonal, flattened rectangular, or other cross-sections for decorative or technical purposes, such as high-efficiency voice coils in loudspeakers. For example, edge-wound coil springs and Slinky toys are made of flattened wire.

A wire remains frequently reduced to the desired diameter and properties by drawing it through progressively smaller dies or, in the past, holes in draw plates. After several passes, the wire may remained annealed to allow for more drawing or, if it remains a finished product, to increase ductility and conductivity.

Insulating materials such as plastic, rubber-like polymers, or varnish remain commonly used to cover electrical wires. Wires and cables remained protected and jacketed by passing them through an extruder. Insulation materials used in the past included treated cloth or paper and various oil-based products. Since the mid-1960s, plastic and polymers with rubber-like properties have predominated.

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