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These are the most beneficial technological tips in emergencies.


beneficial technological tips in emergenciesWe have seen how technology, apps, and social networks have become essential tools for controlling stress and confusion. Most of the time, it is unbearable to know when an emergency will occur, but we can take precautions to deal with it as well as possible. For this reason, we give you some technological tips to help you act more calmly and in order. Thus, you can also support those who are close to you.

1. Download flashlight apps for your cell phone

The light from these applications has a super powerful range and is ideal when there is no electricity in your area. In addition, you can activate the light on your device’s screen in an emergency, military, and relief modes. You find them for  Android and iOS.

2. Upload your documents to the cloud

We will not always be able to have our most essential documents physically. The best option is to have a digital copy in the cloud to have them even when we are far from home. Google Drive, iCloud, or Claro Drive  (which you can activate with your Telmex number) are the ideal options to back up your files easily and quickly.

3. Look for various messaging alternatives

WhatsApp is the messaging service par excellence, but others can support communication with your loved ones. For example, Telegram, Line, and Hangouts also allow you to stay informed through their device and desktop versions.

4. Share your location in real-time

Enter Google Maps from your cell phone, go to the menu on the left and select “Share location”. You will choose the contacts and the time you want to share this information there.

5. Always charge a portable battery

A power bank will be your best ally in these cases; remember to set it up frequently and use it when you need it so you don’t waste its energy.

6. Take advantage of the Facebook Safety Check

This tool lets your friends know if you’re okay after an emergency. You will also be able to see if someone is in the affected area and know if they are okay.

Technology makes many things easier for us, and what better than to use it to our advantage in any situation? Whenever you can, publish, inform and help through social networks.

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