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BMC Write for Us

BMC Write for Us

BMC Write for Us

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a planned management tool to quickly and easily describe and communicate a business idea or concept.

It is a one-page essay that works through the fundamental basics of a business or product, coherently organizing an idea.

The same side of the BMC focuses on the client, while the left side of the canvas focuses on the business (internal).

Both external and internal factors happen around the value proposition, which is the value exchange between your business and your clients and customer.

Why do we use it?

To fast draw a picture of what the idea needs.

It agrees us to understand your business and to go through the process of making networks between your idea and how to make it into a business

This looks at what kinds of customer choices influence the use of your systems.

It allows everyone to get a perfect idea of what the business will likely be.

Types of business models and examples

  • Retailer model. A retailer is the last connection in the supply chain.
  • Fee-for-service model.
  • Subscription model.
  • Bundling model.
  • Product-as-a-service model.
  • Leasing model.
  • Franchise model.
  • Advertising or associate marketing model.


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