Content Map If having the right content is critical to developing an effective marketing strategy today, the content map is the roadmap. Thus, companies can ensure that the content reaches the right person at the right time through a content map. At Bee DIGITAL, we help SMEs, and the self-employed develop digital marketing strategies. Today, we share some keys on what a content map is, how to make a content map and some examples, including the content map of a web page.
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What Is A Content Map?
The content map is a document in which companies plan what type of content they have at their disposal or are going to create to meet the needs of their potential customers and bring them closer to their purchase decision. To get to the content map, companies have had to take two previous steps:
- Define your buyer personas, the model or type of prototypical customer interested in a company’s products or services.
- Develop the customer journey or, in other words, the different phases that the buyer persona goes through from when they detect a need until they manage to satisfy it by purchasing the company’s product or service.
The content map outlines what content will be sent to the buyer persona in each phase of their customer journey to achieve the purchase and retain the customer. According to figures from HubSpot, it’s a vital piece of the content marketing puzzle, a strategy already used by 82% of marketers.
Critical Elements In A Content Map
- Buyer people of the company: if the profiles are well defined, it will be easier to determine what type of content will be helpful and of interest to them.
- Customer journey: the path that a user travels to become a customer goes through the phase of awareness, consideration, conversion and loyalty. The it is aligne with these phases to provide them with the type of it that moves the user end of the path.
- Content catalogue: where the type of content the company has already produced is collected, organized so that it is easy to find internally.
An example content map might follow these guidelines:
- awareness phase. The informative and educational content in articles, video tutorials or guides. The objective is that the client who has a need or a problem can expand information on the subject.
- Consideration phase: Content that provides information about why the company’s products can satisfy the customer’s needs. Some examples of content for this phase are in-depth comparisons, webinars or downloadable whitepapers, and reviews.
- Decision phase: content that validates the purchase decision the user is about to make, including recommendations from influencers, success stories, and other proof that the product is correct. Special offers through email campaigns are also successful at this point.
How To Make A Content Map For B2B And B2C
In the previous section. We have already share what a standard it is. However, there are at least two key differences between how to map content depending on the company’s business model.
Content Map For B2B
Decision. In the B2B environment. And also companies must consider the decision-making model of their customers. Thus, the technical name of Decision Making Unit (DMU) defines the different people within a company who may be linked to decision-making but who, depending on their position in the organization, have greater or lesser power of decision. Thus, the content map must take into account the following buyer persona profiles:
- Initiator: who detects the need and looks for how to solve it.
- User: who is going to use the purchased product or service.
- Buyer: who carries out the purchase negotiations.
- And also Decision maker: who ultimately decides.
- Gatekeepers: people in charge of filtering the information that arrives about a product or service to the rest of the decision-making unit.
- Influencers: people who influence the decision with their opinions or conditioning.
Content Map For B2C
In the B2C model, the type of content and how it is delivered must be adjust to a specific environment. The potential buyer is not in a professional context but instead seeks to fill a need in his personal life. Therefore, It is recommend that the it. Of a company has that it must compete for the attention of this user. It is also essential to provide content with add value that is not merely commercial but provides solutions and helps users. And also In this context. Entertainment content and social media strategies may become essential.
How To Make A Content Map Of A Web Page
The content map of a web page applies the techniques mentioned above in a user visiting a company’s web page. In this way. And also It is about planning what type of pages. blog posts. And offers shown on the web to meet the buyer persona’s needs in. Each of the phases of the customer journey. As an example it, we offer a simple formula:
- Establish the potential objectives of the buyer persona in each of the phases. For example, in the consideration phase. And also The user can search for technical information about a product to compare it with the competition.
- Delimit what content on the website can help the buyer person meet these needs or objectives. And also In the example above. And also The FAQ page and downloadable content with product data sheets could work.
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